Law enforcement officers display a dedication to protecting the Wilmington community daily. At the W. James Payne Law Firm, we understand that the split-second decisions officers make can lead to criminal allegations. Our law firm has a track record of defending officers and personnel. If you face charges, ensure you have an advocate by hiring our Wilmington law enforcement/police officer defense attorney.
Our team knows your unique case requires a personalized defense strategy to achieve your ideal outcome. We can develop a plan that protects your rights and exceeds your goals.
Every day, Wilmington law enforcement professionals put themselves in harm’s way to protect the community. Your safety can hang in the balance when placed in high-stress situations with limited information. Unfortunately, your demanding circumstances can lead to misunderstandings, allegations of misconduct, or criminal charges.
Here at the W. James Payne Law Firm, we acknowledge your challenges. Unlike other professions, yours can leave no room for error. The consequences of minor mistakes can be life-altering for you and those you swore to protect. Potential repercussions officers can face include:
You do not have to face the pressures of the legal system alone. We can stand by your side and strive to prevent harm to your reputation and livelihood.
The types of cases we help police officers with can be wide-ranging. We have years of experience representing law enforcement in legal matters. Some specific types of cases we have dealt with include:
Accusations of excessive force can arise in arrests, pursuits, or situations calling for restraining citizens. In these cases, we investigate the incident by gathering available body camera footage, police reports, witness statements, department policies, and other information that can help with your case. Your defense strategy must highlight your circumstances, the threat the suspect posed, and your adherence to the departmental use-of-force guidelines.
Law enforcement using firearms on armed or unarmed civilians is a highly complex situation. Our team can analyze the details surrounding the shooting, including:
We can fight to present the justification for your actions. Our goal is to ensure you receive a fair and just outcome.
If you are accused of making a false arrest, we can thoroughly investigate the matter. It can be crucial to identify any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in evidence. We can challenge the doubt of probable cause for arrest and work to have your charges dismissed. Our defense attorney can protect your reputation while presenting how your actions were based on reasonable suspicion.
Accusations of witness tampering are serious. They can damage your reputation and have severe consequences. We can defend you against your charges while ensuring you have the chance to explain any actions you took. Analyzing the details of the alleged tampering can help demonstrate your innocence.
Acts of alleged racial profiling can erode public trust. If accused of racial profiling or unfairly targeting individuals, you can face serious legal issues. We can work to examine the arrest to identify legitimate justifications for your actions, such as suspicious behavior or the individual matching a suspect’s description. It is essential to challenge any assumptions made solely on racial details, and our priority is defending your fair treatment.
You should choose our law firm when your career and reputation are on the line. When faced with these situations, you need a skilled attorney to protect your rights. At the W. James Payne Law Firm, we offer:
You always need an attorney if you are under investigation. Even if you believe you are innocent, discussing your case with a skilled attorney as soon as possible is crucial. An attorney can advise you on your rights, protect your interests, and help you proceed through the investigative process. Whether you’re under investigation for racial profiling or excessive use of force, hiring a skilled attorney is vital.
If you face disciplinary action after a law enforcement accusation, you can immediately contact the W. James Payne Law Firm for a consultation. We can represent you at disciplinary hearings and fight to protect your career.
When you commit your life to helping people as a police officer, legal challenges can be stressful. We understand the unique challenges officers like you face, and we want to help. Contact us today to get the assistance you deserve with your law enforcement defense case.